A lot of you enjoyed the article a few weeks ago on the Hurst Jeepster . The American Jeepster Club is another group of Jeepster enthusiasts that live, breath and bleed the unique Jeep.
In 1988 The American Jeepster club (AJC) was formed to help Jeepster owners “network”, and find and sell parts. The club has over 800 Jeepster owners from all over the USA who own 1966 to 1973 model Jeepsters, Jeepster Commandos and Commandos. The AJC has regional chapters, which give members more involvement in contacting others, planning trail rides, rallies, show ‘N shines, swap meets, barbeques, and more. Membership is FREE at this time, so come on in and get acquainted with other members.

If the yellowish / orange jeepster is still for sale please send me an e-mail
thanks Paul