Do you remember Glen Harris and the California Gold-Team Mazda off road racing team? They raced some desert races, but mostly the Mickey Thompson MTEG stadium races. They were a force to be reckoned with! Do you have any photos you would like to post?

Hi, I glad to see some old photos of the good old days. I was part of the Glen Harris / California Gold Race Team. Prior to that i was employed at North American Racing “RACECO” with David Kreisler & Marty Letner.
I was a fabricator on the team for the first couple of years after Glen took over the program from Walker Evans. I worked with Nye Franks shop along with George, Marty, Phill and a few others to build/test the Mazda race trucks and we raced on the Mickey Thompson Stadium Racing circut at that time.
I miss to days. Wow how time flys ! Im alway looking back from time to time and didn’t know how good i had it and how lucky i was to be a part of off-road racing and how much we changed it.
I will bookmark your site and sometime down the road see if i can add some pic’s of to the site.
Best Regards
“O.P.” Dennis Ray
Thanks for your comments. Like you said, you were lucky to be working with some legends! Please feel free to send some pictures to weskibble@offroadaction.ca !
Dennis, I would love to get in contact with you about these trucks. I have wanted to build mine into a runner for a long time now and I have so many questions. Who made the custom fenders? What were you guys doing for a rear end? What was your suspension set up in the front end most importantly?? I know to get any real travel numbers you guys definitely did not keep the torsion front end but was it converted to a different production vehicle or was it fabbed? If I could somehow get some contact info from you, I’d love to talk your ear off for a little bit. Thanks