DELUXrc recently sent us a link to his Facebook page full of his RC photos. This is the first of a few posts showing his collection. Check out the full gallery below.
From his FB page – “In reality it’s not quite that simple despite what the “experts” may say. This started out out as an Axial Honcho that I decided to add a Hilux cab to. This required shortening the wheel base. This served me well for a few years but then it occured to me that I still had the rear section going to waste.. So out with the styrene sheet and in with a drop bed and a fuel cell (to hide the electrics).. The result is a 1980 Hilux (what’s left of it) on modern chassis technology, four links, overdriven front gears, highsteer front hubs, CVDs, custom barwork etc.”

what type of body is that and where did the bed come from?