We recently featured the 1969 Jeep XJ001 and Bolide prototypes. Now we are moving up to 1983, when Toyota introduced the TAC3 prototype at the Tokyo Motor Show. It is an interesting concept that was geared towards the younger, hip crowd. It was a 3 seat open top vehicle where the drivers seat in the front was mounted in the centre of the vehicle, while the rear two seats were side by side. The windshield came with both a tall version and a shorter “sport” version. Also included was the trailer that included 4 spare tires mounted on the trailer tongue. The tires look larger and more agressive and I doubt they would even fit in the small wheel wells of the TAC3. Does anyone have more information about the Toyota TAC3 prototype?
Wes Kibble
Netherlands Willys Jeep Fire Trucks
Once again, Dave over at Ewillys.com has come across some great vintage Willys Jeep photos. These Netherlands Willys Jeep fire trucks are awesome! Look at the front overhang on the photo above. The windshield lights in the photo below blow me away! What is the tubes in the trailer?
From The Archives #72
What a great vintage shot of a Jeep truck and Red Dale camper!
Toyota AK10: The Grandfather Of All Land Cruisers
The little known Toyota AK10 is the predecesor to the Toyota Land Cruiser. In 1941 the Imperial Japanese Army occupied the Philippines, where they found an old Bantam Mk II, and promptly brought it to Japan. The Japanese military authorities commanded Toyota to make a similar vehicle but to not model the appearance on the American Jeep. The prototype was called the Model AK and was formally adopted by The Japanese Imperial Army as the Yon-Shiki Kogata Kamotsu-Sha ( type 4 compact cargo-truck ).
Check out our T-shirts, stickers, window decals, and more!
Vintage Land Rover Fire Truck
This 1974 Land Rover TACR-1 fire truck is owned by Paul Hazell from Britain. I love it!
From The Archives #71
Fedala, Morocco. Jeep rolling off a landing boat at Fedala harbor during the landing operations of the U.S. task forces there. Via G503.com
Awesome Chevrolet Luv 4×4 Model
When was the last time you saw a Chevrolet Luv? How about a 4×4 version? They are pretty rare these days, so if you want to build one, your best bet may be to build a plastic model version like ddlova from the Off Road Model forum did! I love the classic vintage look! What do you think?
Wanted: Information & Photos Of Jerry McDonald Desert Racing Chevrolet Blazer From The Early 70’s
Jerry McDonald drove a number of Chevrolet vehicles for MacPherson Chevrolet throughout the 70’s and 80’s. Does anyone have information or photos of this early 70’s Chevrolet Blazer? Did Jerry win any races with it?
Willys CJ3B Jeep Firetruck Video
We robbed this great video of a Willys CJ3B Jeep firetruck with Howe fire equipment from Ewillys.com While I have seen lots of photos of Willys Jeep fire trucks, I have never seen a video of one. Or one in person, for that fact. Does anyone have other photos or videos of Willys CJ3B fire trucks that they would like to share?
From The Archives #70
Here is a great vintage photo of a Willys Jeep with a snowplow. Does anyone have more information about it?